The leading incoming tour operator for Serbia and the Balkan countries.
For starters, we’ve been in business for 25 years!
Secondly, but no less important, we work honestly and responsibly; we’ve been pioneers in many areas of tourism in Serbia; we’re committed to innovation, and thus have a rightful place at the Serbian tourist market. After being 25 years in business, we’re proud of our vehicle fleet (4 minibusses with 8, 13, 20 and 30 seats), and with our new programs, variety of thematic tours and exciting excursions in the Republic of Serbia and the region. Also, we’re ready to face new challenges.
Magelan Travel is an incoming tour operator for Serbia and the Balkans with 25 years of experience in developing and creating travel programs in Serbia and the region, both for domestic and foreign customers. We also provide transfers with our own minibusses in the country and abroad.
Our team of highly trained, dedicated and hardworking individuals takes care of every detail to provide maximum satisfaction of our clients.
Magelan Travel is not just designing and implementing tours around Serbia and the neighboring countries, but also helping specific Serbian areas to develop their own tourism activities, especially in Vojvodina and the Danube region. We believe a voyage is more worthy when providing tourists insights into the local culture, cuisine, traditions, and customs of the local population. Also, by traveling with us, you’re contributing to responsible development, sustainable tourism and environmental protection in the region you’re about to visit.
A name you can trust – Magelan travel, the leading tour operator for Serbia and the Balkan countries.
We are a fully accredited and bonded tour operator. We hold National license No 25/2015.
With 25 years of experience, you can rest assured your clients are in good hands.
We are also members of the following trade organizations:
- YUTA – National Tour Association
- URA – Association of incoming tour operators in Serbia
- UTAS – Association of travel agencies in Serbia
RDA – International Coach Tourism Federation
DCC – Danube Competence Center
Danube Tourism Cluster ISTAR 21 – Association for Development of Tourism Along the Danube Area in Serbia
Where do we operate?
Anywhere in Serbia and the region: former Yugoslav countries/ The Balkans, Southeast Europe.
Our multilingual team of tour co-ordinators has a wealth of experience in leading groups from all around the world.
Best Value for Money
We’re able to tailor the tours to suit all budgets.
We negotiate with all our suppliers to offer you the best possible value for money. However, we’re not keen on cutting corners, so we’ll provide you with an honest assessment of what is available for the proposed target budget.
We’re ready to show you our beautiful country and the region. Contact us for more information!
Name of the company | MAGELAN TRAVEL D.O.O |
Address | Nikole Pašića 7, 21000 Novi Sad |
VAT number | 108396784 |
ID | 20991321 |
Bank account | Eurobank 250-2060001575770-67 |
Activity code | 7900 |
Phone number | +3812147 24 088 |
Tel/Fax | +38121420-680, +3812147 22 08 |
Web addresses |
Ikarus Tours, Germany
Eberhardt Travel, Germany
Die Landpartie Radeln und Reisen GmbH, Germany
Biblische Reisen, Germany
ReiseService International, Germany
AK Touristik, Germany
SE Tours, Germany
Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Germany
Kulturen Leben, Germany
Binder Reisen, Germany
Hapag Lloyd Travel Agency, Germany
Ex Oriente Lux Reisen GmbH, Germany
Gebeco, Germany
Neubauer Reisen, Germany
Bohn Reisen Reisebüro, Germany
BBT GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
DCS Touristik, Germany
KÄSTL Ost-Touristik, Germany
Ventus Reisen, Germany
Omnibus Schlienz, Germany
Ex Orient Lux Reisen, Germany Reisewelt, Germany
Terra Unica Reisen, Germany
Bayerisches Pilgerburo, Germany
Gruber Reisen, Germany
Globetrotter, Switzerland
Unique Travel, Switzerland
Beyond travel, Australia
TUI, Austria
SAB, Austria
Geo Reisen, Austria
Raiffeisen Reisen, Austria
Reisewelt, Austria
Travel Market Mayer, Austria
Blaguss touristic, Austria
Travel Europe, Austria
Dr. Maiers, Austria
Gruber Touristic, Austria
Flexi Travel, Austria
Rad und Reisen, Austria
Reiseparadies Kastler GmbH, Austria
Nishitetsu, Japan
Sekai-Kikoh, Japan CAS International, China
Voyages Et Culture SMS, China
PAKS, Russia
Leonardo Travel, Russia
Sputnik, Russia
Kaleidoskop Travel, Russia
Passport Travel, Romania
Invitation Travel, Romania
Hon Tours, Hungary
Roim Olam SRL, Israel
OK Tours, Taiwan
Original World, Canada
Kompas, Croatia
Uniline, Croatia
Ovest Viaggi, Croatia
Athos Hellas, Greece
PCO Convin, Greece
Arawak Viajes, Spain
Nautilia Viajes, Spain
Travel the Unknown, UK
Track and Helds Tours, UK
Ramblers Holiday, UK
Regent Holidays, UK
Viktors Farmor, Denmark
Via Travel, Denmark
Albatros. Denmark
Kras Reisen, The Netherland
Albtours D, Albania
Albania Experience, Albania
Balkan Pearls, Albania
European Gateways, Luxembourg
Since 2001, Magelan regularly presents tourism programs for Serbia at tourism fairs in London and Berlin, and we have also participated at fairs in Vienna, Utrecht, Milan, Budapest, Ljubljana. To the foreign tourists visiting Serbia, Magelan Travel provides the highest quality tourist service. Our tourists mostly come from Germany, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Japan and many more.
In 2005, we set up the first national online booking system for accommodation in the country and travel portal about tourism in Serbia www.visitserbia.org for which we were awarded the “White Angel” granted by the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourist Organization of Serbia.
www.incoming-serbia.com is our website with offers for B2B customers.
Our offer for direct customers (B2C) can be found and booked online through the website www.SerbianAdventures.com.
The website for online reservations of transfers to and from the airport is www.belgradeairporttransfer.com.
Our specialized offer for birdwatching is on the page www.birdwatchserbia.rs.
To offer through our tours and our stories unique feelings and experiences to our clients by presenting Serbia as a country with valuable cultural heritage and a wonderful nature that needs to be preserved for the next generations.
To partake in the beauty and get to know the culture, tradition, habits, legends, and stories of all the people from every part of the country.
To find out less famous destinations (off the beaten track) and to show some destinations in a different way than usual.
To create a unique traveling experience that would be otherwise inaccessible to individual tourists.
To create (additional) revenues through the provision of tourism services especially in rural areas.
To raise awareness among the local population of the value of cultural heritage and the need to preserve the environment.
Our main vision is to be the leading incoming (receptive) agency for travels in Serbia and the region, always providing the best possible product, service of the highest quality and commitment to social and environmental responsiveness. Our plan is to be the best travel company of the Serbian tourism sector, respected and relied upon by customers and partners alike.
2018 Award Big Gold Medal LORIST Novi Sad Tourism Fair
2018 Award Tourism Champion YU Travel
2018 Award Agency No1 for excursions in Serbia
2018 Award Platinum Singidunum University
2017 Award Big Gold Medal LORIST Novi Sad Tourism Fair
2014 Award for Partner Entrepreneur from Lemmark – Privilege Club and Serbian Association of Employers
2013 Award “Ambassador of good service” to the director Biljana Marceta – Udruženje domaćina Srbije i časopis Turistički cvet
2008 Award “Tourist Flower” from Tourist Organization of Serbia for the best agency in 2007
2008 Award “Kapetan Misa Anastasijevic” to the Director Biljana Marceta for the most successful businesswoman, Regional Chamber of Commerce Novi Sad ((2008).
2007 Award “Touristic Star” – Club of business journalist of Serbia – award for creativity, new projects and ideas (2007).
2006 Award “Touristic puzzle” for the best tourist agency in the area in manifestation tourism (2007).
2006 Grand tourist award of Republic of Serbia “The White Angel” (Beli anđeo), Award by Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Service and TOS (Tourism Organization of Serbia) for application of modern technologies in tourism (2006).
2005 Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce and Industry Award (2005).
2004 “Turistička prizma” for new quality in Tourism (2004)
2003 LORIST Novi Sad Tourism Fair Award (2003)
2002 Belgrade Tourism Fair Award for the best Stand (2002).
1998 LORIST Novi Sad Tourism Fair Award (1998).
1997 LORIST Novi Sad Tourism Fair Award (1997).
August 2018
Serbian Adventures – our project for online reservation of excursions BelGuest 02.08.2018.
April 2016.
Adrenalinska tura, planinski odmor ili put snova i magije – Gde za Prvi maj? – www.ekapija.com 26.04.2016.
June 2016
Kako dovesti stranca u Srbiju – www.danas.rs 05.06.2016.
ČLAN 46. I DRUGE „RUPE“ U ZAKONU O TURIZMU – Turisticki putokaz.rs 21.06.2016.
January 2015
Biljana Marčeta: Može to mnogo bolje – www.topsrbija.com 21.01.2015.
June 2015.
Kreću stalne Magelanove manastirsko-vinske ture – www.topsrbija.com 23.06.2015.
November 2015.
Izleti po Srbiji agencije “Magelan” kao segment poslovnih putovanja – Najpopularnije vinske ture i krstarenja Đerdapom – www.ekapija.com 03.11.2015.
Izleti po Srbiji agencije “Magelan” kao segment poslovnih putovanja – Najpopularnije vinske ture i krstarenja Đerdapom – www.naslovi.net 03.11.2015.
January 2014.
Vinski novogodišnji autobus iznenađenja TA Magelan – topsrbija.com 15.01.2014.
February 2014.
Prestoničkim ulicama kroz Prvi svetski rat – www.politika.rs 19.02.2014.
Biljana Marčeta: Novi turistički program i za nove generacije – www.topsrbija.com 20.02.2014.
Magelanova tura –Tragovima Prvog svetskog rata u Beogradu – www.topsrbija.com 20.02.2014.
October 2012.
Ptice – mamac za turiste – Politika 07.10.2012.
Kako u Srbiji funkcioniše receptivni turizam? – www.ekapija.com 01.10.2012.
August 2012.
Srbija na sajmu ptica – Privredni Pregled 16.08.2012.
Srbija na sajmu ptica u Engleskoj – www.ekapija.com 16.08.2012.
Žene nositeljice razvoja i unapređenja turizma – Hrvatska riječ 31.08.2012.
September 2012.
Receptivni turizam – www.rts.rs 29.09.2012.
September 2011.
Biljana Marčeta: Bogatstvo različitosti, naša autentična priča– www.topsrbija.com 01.09.2011.
February 2007.
Od gledanja mala vajda – Večernje Novosti 03.02.2007.
Magelan dates back to 1994. By 2000s we have dedicated our activity to incoming tourism.
Since 2015 we operate as two separated companies:
Magelan Travel is a tour company which organizes group travel in Serbia and the Balkans.
Responsible person: Mrs Biljana Marčeta; General Manager.
E-mail: bmarceta@magelantravel.rs
Magelan Corporation deals with individuals, subagent sales, air ticket sales, vehicle rentals and transfers.
Responsible person: Dragan Marčeta, General Manager
E-mail: dragan@magelan.rs
Our projects:
2015 Wine Passport Serbia
2015 www.belgradeairporttransfer.com – online booking for transfers from/to Belgrade airport
2012 www.SerbianAdventures.com – online booking for online reservation of sightseeing and excursions in Serbia
2011 www.bogatstvorazlicitosti.net – project of tourism development along the Danube in villages where different nationalities reside
2005 www.visitserbia.org – online booking for hotels in Serbia
2004 www.birdwatchserbia.rs – birdwatching tours in Serbia
2001 www.visitnovisad.com and www.visitvojvodina.com the first web sites about tourist offer about Novi Sad and Vojvodina region
Magelan Travel – your reliable tour guide for Serbia and the Balkan countries!