Big Restart of operations due to Corona-suspension
1. General Do guests need to meet additional entry requirements/ documentation (E.g. proof of health insurance, “clear of COVID-19” certificate etc.)? No Are there any additional costs which customers may now come across (e.g. Covid-19 supplement covering additional local authority costs etc.)? No Can guests move freely outside in public? Yes Are there any restrictions Read More
Restart of operations due to Corona-suspension
1. General Do guests need to meet additional entry requirements/ documentation (E.g. proof of health insurance, “clear of COVID-19” certificate etc.)? No Are there any additional costs which customers may now come across (e.g. Covid-19 supplement covering additional local authority costs etc.)? No Can guests move freely outside in public? Yes Are there any restrictions Read More
New market: Air Serbia considering China flights
The Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, has said the country’s national carrier is considering introducing scheduled commercial flights to China in the coming period. In comments following a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia, Mr Vučić said, “We held very good and important talks … Serbia is very popular in China due to its friendly Read More
Air Serbia announcement on traffic renewal
Dear passengers, Air Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, will renew to a limited extent the regular passenger air traffic from May 18, 2020, with an increase in the number of flights within the flight schedule from June 1, 2020. The final flight schedule will depend on the decisions and guidelines of Read More
Travels are starting in mid-June?
The Covid-19 pandemic has so far taken more than 300,000 lives worldwide and seriously threatened many industries, which before the pandemic was declared profitable and significant for the economy of most of the 210 countries affected by the pandemic. One of them, which has suffered the most damage due to the closure of borders and the Read More

Subotica – a Magic Serbian Town
We arrived in a small town called Subotica. After a short walk from the arival place, we reached the center, where we had a wonderful view: in the center was standing a monument to King Jovan Nenad; A little further from it was located the most beautiful building with columns in the typical Italian style Read More

Суботица – волшебный городок Сербии.
Мы прибыли в небольшой город под названием Суботица. Пройдя небольшое расстояние от места нашего прибытия, мы дошли до центра, где перед нами открылся замечательный вид: в самом центре стоял памятник царю Йовану Ненаду; чуть дальше от него располагалось наикрасивейшее здание с колонами в типичном Итальянском стиле – Национальный театр; далее мы увидели городскую Ратушу, которая Read More

Mokra Gora Village & Šargan Eight
We headed back to Serbia later in the morning and soon reached the Mokra Gora village (i.e. meaning “Wet Mountain” in English), where a two-hour train ride on a narrow-gauge railway known as the Šargan Eight would have taken place. According to our guide, although the railway was first established in early 1925, it was Read More

Сремски Карловци и Фрушкогорские монастыри
Сремски Карловци Это был мой первый опыт, когда я начала свое путешествие по Сербии. Мы стояли напротив старого здания, сделанного в том же стиле, как делают итальянские дворцы, а называлось это суд Патриарха. Я ощущала, словно попала обратно в девятнадцатый век, в период между 1892 и 1895 гг., и это были точные даты, когда это Read More

Sremski Karlovci and Fruška Gora Monasteries
Sremski Karlovci It was my first experience traveling around Serbia and here's how it was. We were standing in front of the old building, which was made in the style of Italian palaces and called The Patriarchate Court. It felt like I time traveled right to the nineteenth century. The building was built up between 1892 Read More