Subotica – a Magic Serbian Town
We arrived in a small town called Subotica. After a short walk from the arival place, we reached the center, where we had a wonderful view: in the center was standing a monument to King Jovan Nenad; A little further from it was located the most beautiful building with columns in the typical Italian style Read More

Суботица – волшебный городок Сербии.
Мы прибыли в небольшой город под названием Суботица. Пройдя небольшое расстояние от места нашего прибытия, мы дошли до центра, где перед нами открылся замечательный вид: в самом центре стоял памятник царю Йовану Ненаду; чуть дальше от него располагалось наикрасивейшее здание с колонами в типичном Итальянском стиле – Национальный театр; далее мы увидели городскую Ратушу, которая Read More

Mokra Gora Village & Šargan Eight
We headed back to Serbia later in the morning and soon reached the Mokra Gora village (i.e. meaning “Wet Mountain” in English), where a two-hour train ride on a narrow-gauge railway known as the Šargan Eight would have taken place. According to our guide, although the railway was first established in early 1925, it was Read More

Сремски Карловци и Фрушкогорские монастыри
Сремски Карловци Это был мой первый опыт, когда я начала свое путешествие по Сербии. Мы стояли напротив старого здания, сделанного в том же стиле, как делают итальянские дворцы, а называлось это суд Патриарха. Я ощущала, словно попала обратно в девятнадцатый век, в период между 1892 и 1895 гг., и это были точные даты, когда это Read More

Sremski Karlovci and Fruška Gora Monasteries
Sremski Karlovci It was my first experience traveling around Serbia and here's how it was. We were standing in front of the old building, which was made in the style of Italian palaces and called The Patriarchate Court. It felt like I time traveled right to the nineteenth century. The building was built up between 1892 Read More

My Eight Sensational Days Around Serbia
An eight-day stay in Serbia is not enough to see all the beauties of this incredible country. However, it’s exactly the right amount of time to get acquainted with its geographical, religious and cultural diversity. On this tour we had a glance of Belgrade then turned to the lush mountains of west Serbia and concluded Read More

Crash Course in Serbian Art and History
Sure, five days is nothing when you need to learn about a whole country, and especially when you need to break a lot of stereotypes. However, the last part of the Original World tour of the Western Balkans gives our visitors an excellent overview of what is there in this Balkans country that many mixes Read More

The Ten Must-See Places in the Balkans
TOUR THE BALKANS 16 days, 6 countries, monuments under the protection of UNESCO, breathtaking landscapes, open-hearted people with a wide smile, food for all senses – reveal the Balkans in all of its beauties and controversies. This journey enabled us to perceive the latest conflicts in this turbulent area from different perspectives of the people Read More

Discover the Balkans Through Legacy and Memories from WW1
Magellan Travel invites you to discover how the First World War has started! We take you on a journey where you will meet the Balkans from another angle, the legacy of the First World War, centennial anniversary of the start of this historic conflict. Travel company "Magellan" wishes to contribute towards marking the centenary of Read More

Flora Sandes and Other War Heroines of WW1
In 2014 we commemorate the 100th anniversary since the onset of WW1, also known as the Great War The media from around the world has followed the events linked with the anniversary almost daily with numerous stories and reportages. People and events that laid almost forgotten now appear from the past. The Independent came up Read More