铁门峡谷(Iron Gate)游船观光——最畅销的塞尔维亚一日游! 发团日期:每周六、每周日
与我们一起游览欧洲最大最美丽的峡谷!在最窄和最深的河段,探索多瑙河的力量。参观多瑙河畔最美丽的城堡和拥有9000年历史的莱潘斯基维尔(Lepenski Vir)考古遗址。
行程描述 加入我们,一起探索伏伊伏丁那最重要的精粹——著名的城堡和农场。 早上8:00从贝尔格莱德跳蚤市场对面的停车场上车出发。参观Zrenjanin Ecka城堡,之后游览建于1711年的Lazar Lukac伯爵城堡的公园和教堂。奥匈帝王法兰兹‧费迪南(Franz Ferdinand)和塞尔维亚王储亚历山大•卡拉乔尔杰维奇(Aleksandar Karadjordjevic)经常造访这座城堡。如今,该城堡是广受自然爱好者与追求宁静的旅行者的旅游去处。 前往Becej 镇和参观Fantast城堡。在这里,我们将倾听伏伊伏丁那最富裕的敦杰尔斯基(Dundjerski)家族的传说。参观悬挂着塞尔维亚艺术家乌罗什•普雷迪奇(Uros Predic)壁画的教堂,这些壁画取代了具有当地人特征的圣徒画像。游客将有机会骑马或漫步游览城堡的公园。 前往Kulpin,参观来自斯特拉提米洛维奇家族的拉扎尔敦杰尔斯基(Lazar Dundjerski)建造的敦杰尔斯基城堡(Dundjerski Castle)。这里非常独特,诞生了两位塞尔维亚族长:斯特万•斯特拉提米洛维奇(Stevan Stratimirovic)和乔治•布兰科维奇(George Brankovic)。城堡周围是占地4英亩的公园,林立着罕见的树木。参观伏伊伏丁那农业博物馆(Vojvodina Museum of Agriculture):工业蒸汽机械、古老的拖拉机、割草机或葎草花、大麻植物、高粱、小麦、牛和奶牛等。我们继续前往Cenej农场,将在古老的桑树树荫下享用传统的公国风味,细细体验伏伊伏丁那的生活。19:00返回贝尔格莱德,晚上抵达贝尔格莱德。 定期出发的行程价格:32欧元 退休人员价格:30欧元
参加这个行程,您不仅了解塞尔维亚北部的省份,还将看到3个不同的面貌——中世纪的修道院,巴洛克风格的小镇,及其迷人的都市。然后,享用晚餐,感受伏伊伏丁那丰富多样的遗产。 行程描述 驱车一小时穿越看似无尽的平原,沿途欣赏伏伊伏丁那的景色变换。参观著名的塞尔维亚东正教Krušedol修道院。该在修道院教堂里面,您将观赏到迷人的中世纪晚期的圣像间壁和一些壁画,但是最重要的还是感受过去时光和正统基督教修道的氛围。 驱车数分钟之后,抵达以巴洛克教堂和优质葡萄酒闻名的历史小镇——斯雷姆斯基卡尔洛夫奇(Sremski Karlovci)。在参观东正大教堂之后,继续游览当地的葡萄酒酒窖并品尝产自当地的葡萄酒,包括贝尔美特(bermet)。 在不远处是截然不同的历史遗迹——彼特罗瓦拉丁城堡(Petrovaradin Fortress)。哈布斯堡王朝在100多年来一直在多瑙河上的陡坡悬崖上建筑最强防御工事以便抵御土耳其。最终结果是在多瑙河上伫立着几十个堡垒、壕沟和大门的最强大的防御工事,如今完全被作为当地人和游客的观光去处。这座城堡不仅以能远眺整个诺维萨德的壮丽景色著称,也以多年来举办欧洲最佳音乐节之一的欧洲古堡音乐节(Exit Fest)闻名。 多瑙河的另一边延伸至伏伊伏丁那首府诺维萨德。尽管比不上其邻近地区的历史久远,诺维萨德以其作为令人愉快的19世纪中心自夸,这里有穿着时髦的年轻人、许多不同种族的教堂,以及从罗马头盔到现代主义绘画的历史艺术博物馆与画廊。在市中心享用午餐后,自由探索诺维萨德。傍晚,返回贝尔格莱德。 私人团队旅游行程的价格,可根据要求出发: 人数 1人 2人 3人 4-7人 8-14人 15-20人 21-30人 价格 欧元/人
游览令人惊叹的奥普兰纳山上的皇陵和教堂,在当地博物馆了解塞尔维亚的历史,在历史著名的黑山村(Orašac village)享用午餐。 行程描述 早上8:00从诺维萨德萨雅姆酒店 (Hotel Sajam)前方的停车场上车出发;早上9:30从贝尔格莱德跳蚤市场对面的停车场上车出发。 抵达托波拉城镇,首先参观拥有博物馆和古老教堂的Karadjordjev Grad城堡,了解这座城镇在塞尔维亚历史上的重要性,参观第一次塞尔维亚暴乱的遗迹。在教堂,我们欣赏到华丽的圣像间壁及其精致的雕刻画。 探索坐落在奥普兰纳山(Oplenac Hill)山顶的塞尔维亚皇家居所(Serbian Royal Residence)。王室居住区和一座有五个圆顶的教堂完美融合了塞尔维亚式和拜占庭式建筑风格,其室内镶嵌作品令人印象深刻。 隔壁就是彼得一世的皇家宅邸,如今是博物馆的一部分,陈列着皇家肖像和有趣的历史物件。 之后,前往Karadjordjev Vajat餐厅享用午餐。Karadjordjev Vajat是位于Orašac历史乡村的一家民族餐厅。午餐后,前往卡拉乔尔杰•彼特罗维奇(Karadjordje)的纪念遗址,参观纪念乡村学校和反抗奥斯曼帝国的第一次起义的集合之地Marićevićа Jaruga。 傍晚时分,返回贝尔格莱德和诺维萨德。 定期出发的行程发团时间:1月15日至12月10日期间每周日发团 出发地点:
行程描述 早上6:30从诺维萨德萨雅姆酒店 (Hotel Sajam)的停车场上车出发;早上8:00从贝尔格莱德跳蚤市场(Buvljak)对面的Blok 42上车出发。 首先,参观哥鲁拜克城堡(Golubac),之后前往下米拉诺瓦茨(Donji Milanovac) 坐船游览。在游船的1.5小时时间里,我们将能欣赏到威利吉喀山(Veliki Kazan)峡谷和马里喀山(Mali Kazan)峡谷、信号室、Hajdučka vodenica河谷、罗马尼亚(Decebalus)国王的岩雕头像和古老的图拉真印章(Trajan’s Plaque),这些只能乘坐游船才能看到和接近游览。 在游船之后,继续前往Kapetan Mišin Breg农场享用当地特色午餐。除了享用美食之外,我们还能在农场远眺多瑙河和下米拉诺瓦茨的美景。 前往莱潘斯基维尔考古遗址(Lepenski Vir),游览可追溯至9500年前的迷人的中石器时代考古遗址。 大约21:00返回贝尔格莱德;大约22:30返回诺维萨德。 价格:49 欧元
行程描述 早上7:00从诺维萨德 (Novi Sad)和早上8:30从贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)出发,驱车1小时后抵达斯梅代雷沃(Smederevo)并进行游览。斯梅代雷沃的城堡是塞尔维亚最后一个中世纪首都,如今这座城堡是多瑙河岸上最大的城堡之一,也是塞尔维亚最重要的城堡之一。 之后,前往科斯托拉茨(Kostolac)并参观费米拉孔(Viminacium)的考古遗址,它曾是重要的罗马城镇,也是上默西亚(Upper Moesia)省省府。除了参观遗迹和古坟,我们还将看到猛犸象遗骨。 继续前往银湖(Srebrno Jezero Lake),抵达后自由活动,可在当地的餐馆之一享用午餐,在湖里游泳。 稍作休息之后,前往Ram城堡。我们将乘坐渡船横过多瑙河,在多瑙河的另一河岸,在Stara Palanka小村庄,我能将看到内拉河(Nera)流入多瑙河的汇合处,并参观Labudovo Okno鸟类保护区。 之后,我们将乘车沿着Deliblatska Peščara沙漠南端的边缘地带进行游览,观察许多稀有动植物种类。最后,拜访离开贝尔格莱德来到沙漠享受宁静和荒野的一个当地家庭。傍晚时分返回贝尔格莱德。 价格:25欧元 退休人员价格:25欧元 儿童价格:18欧元 我们也能将此行程作为私人团队旅游的行程。请查看以下价格。 人数 1人
弗鲁什卡格拉国家公园徒步及文化之旅 在这趟旅行中,您将有机会了解贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)的最佳亮点,欣赏弗鲁什卡格拉(Fruška gora)美丽的自然风景,以及参观周边地区,体验文化和享用美食,以及游览必游之地——2021年欧洲文化之都令人惊叹的诺维萨德。 文化、历史、自然和美食的最佳组合。 第1天:贝尔格莱德(包含晚餐,约20公里) 抵达贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)。根据您的航班时间,将接您送至酒店。入住酒店并在酒店享受一会儿休闲时光,以放松和重焕活力。晚上,将在这座城市的波希米亚区斯卡达里加(Skadarlija)的当地音乐娱乐餐厅享用晚餐。随后,短暂游览贝尔格莱德市中心。返回酒店并过夜。 第2天:贝尔格莱德(包含早餐和晚餐,约20公里) 早餐后,我们将开始结合观光旅游的旅行,时长为4小时,将参观贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)的最知名景点。路途上,将参观贝尔格莱德的最大公园——卡莱梅格丹公园(Kalemegdan park)和卡莱梅格丹城堡(Kalemegdan fortress)。在这,可以欣赏到多瑙河(Danube)与萨瓦河(Sava)交汇的美景。新贝尔格莱德(Novi Beograd)是拍照的最佳之处。 接下来,将参观塞尔维亚的东正教大教堂(Orthodox church)和 Princess Ljubica宫殿。随后,将徒步前往贝尔格莱德的古城区(步行街)和米哈伊洛大公街(Knez Mihailova Street),接着步行至紧邻国家博物馆和剧院(National Museum and
铁托寻迹之旅穿越前南斯拉夫14天行程 定期发团旅游线路 出发日期:2017年4月11日 2017年8月15日 “铁托寻迹之旅穿越前南斯拉夫”不仅仅是一次普通的旅游,更是一次学习之旅。旅途中,您将了解到关于约瑟普•布罗兹•铁托(Josip Broz Tito)的一些奇闻趣事。铁托是南斯拉夫的革命家、政治家;他从1943年直到1980年去世,一直担任着各种各样的角色。二战期间,他是游击队的领导者,他所领导的解放运动被认为是纳粹分子占领欧洲后最有效的反抗运动。在此次旅途中,您将有机会参观最重要的历史遗迹和与南斯拉夫最著名总统有关的重要场所。您还将见到Vater,这是在社会主义南斯拉夫拍摄的、最出名且最受欢迎的游击队战争题材电影中最著名的角色。 第1天:尼古拉特斯拉机场 – 贝尔格莱德(含晚餐),行驶距离:约30公里 抵达贝尔格莱德尼古拉特斯拉机场(Nikola Tesla Airport),我们的导游将热诚地迎接您的到来,并将您送至贝尔格莱德的酒店。我们的旅程将从波西米亚老街区Skadarlija开启,在铁托最喜爱的餐厅享用晚餐。传统的美食和坦姆布里扎琴演奏的歌曲都将带给您极致享受。在市中心的四星级酒店过夜。 第2天:贝尔格莱德(含早、晚餐),行驶距离:约25公里 早餐后,我们将开启一整天的贝尔格莱德观光之旅。我们将游览郁郁葱葱的卡莱梅格丹公园(Kalemegdan park)和历史悠久的卡莱梅格丹城堡(Kalemegdan fortress),在这,我们可以尽情欣赏这座城市及萨瓦河(Sava River)与多瑙河(Danube River)交汇处的绝佳美景。卡莱梅格丹城堡不仅雄伟气派,也极具文化和历史意义,是贝尔格莱德重要的综合建筑群。继续步行前往贝尔格莱德老城(步行街)和米哈伊洛大公街(Knez
塞尔维亚文化、历史和自然精华游12天行程 *可按要求定制行程* 第1天:尼古拉特斯拉机场 — 诺维萨德(含晚餐,大约120公里) 飞往贝尔格莱德,导游接机。乘车前往位于多瑙河岸上的美丽城市——诺维萨德,2021年欧洲文化之都,距离机场80公里。抵达后,我们将步行游览这座有着多元文化的城市:从被市政厅(City Hall)和玛丽大教堂(The Name of Mary Church)围绕着的自由广场(The Liberty Square )、主要的步行区Zmaj Jovina街、牧首宫(Patriarch’s Palace) ,到Dunavska街和Dunavski公园。在市中心的酒店办理入住,之后自由活动,在市中心的当地漂亮餐厅享用晚餐。夜宿酒店。 第2天:诺维萨德
塞尔维亚精华游10天行程(多瑙河巡游) *可按要求定制行程* 第1天:尼古拉特斯拉机场 — 诺维萨德(含晚餐,大约120公里) 飞往贝尔格莱德,导游接机。乘车前往位于多瑙河岸上的美丽城市——诺维萨德,2021年欧洲文化之都,距离机场80公里。抵达后,我们将步行游览这座有着多元文化的城市:从被市政厅(City Hall)和玛丽大教堂(The Name of Mary Church)围绕着的自由广场(The Liberty Square )、主要的步行区Zmaj Jovina街、牧首宫(Patriarch’s Palace) ,到Dunavska街和Dunavski公园。在市中心的酒店办理入住,之后自由活动,在市中心的当地漂亮餐厅享用晚餐。夜宿酒店。 第2天:诺维萨德
塞尔维亚掠影8天行程 8天令人陶醉的旅游体验,包括未受破坏的乡村、风景如画的铁路、数量众多的文化和历史古迹、活力四射的城市,以及有机食物和上等红酒完美搭配的餐品。《孤独星球》将塞尔维亚称为”欧洲保存最好的秘密”之一,近期又将其评为欧洲十佳旅游胜地之一;这场旅行将带您寻找此中原因。 第1天(周日):到达:贝尔格莱德 – 兹拉蒂博尔 抵达贝尔格莱德机场(Belgrade Airport)后,我们将接机并送您至兹拉蒂博尔(Zlatibor)。兹拉蒂博尔是塞尔维亚最古老的山地度假胜地,海拔1500米,环境极佳。途中,在欧夫卡-卡布拉尔峡谷(Ovcar-Kablar Gorge)稍作停留,欣赏绝美的自然风景。欧夫卡-卡布拉尔峡谷被称为”塞尔维亚圣地”,别致的东正教修道院布满摩拉瓦河(River Morava)沿岸。抵达兹拉蒂博尔山后,在四星级温泉酒店——蒙娜酒店(Mona)享用晚餐和过夜。接下来4个晚上也是入住这家舒适的酒店。 包含:早餐和晚餐 第2天(周一):莫克拉戈拉、萨尔干8号老式铁路和麦卡尼克村 从酒店出发,搭乘老式火车,沿着曾连通贝尔格莱德和杜布罗夫尼克(Dubrovnik)的”萨尔干8号”(Šargan 8) 窄轨铁路前行,欣赏沿途优美风光。从火车上欣赏莫克拉戈拉山(Mokra Gora)令人惊艳的风景。这列火车与现在的火车在运行方式上非常不同:为了加快速度,火车在短短15公里就需穿过22条隧道,车身画出一个”8″字,这条铁路也因此得名!我们旅程的最后一站是麦卡尼克村(Mećavnik),也被称为木头村(Drvengrad),最初是知名导演埃米尔•库斯图里卡(Emir Kusturica)为拍摄电影《生命是个奇迹》(Life Is A Miracle)而建造的电影布景地,如今作为一个建有塞尔维亚传统木屋的度假村运营。这里也会举办一些电影节。如果天气好的话,游览期间还可以享用一顿特别的野外午餐。午餐后,返回兹拉蒂博尔,下午和晚上都可以悠闲地探索度假村里趣味盎然的地方,包括一个出售当地特产的传统露天市场。
塞尔维亚精华游8天行程 *可按要求定制行程* 第1天:尼古拉特斯拉机场 — 诺维萨德(含晚餐,大约120公里) 飞往贝尔格莱德,导游接机。乘车前往位于多瑙河岸上的美丽城市诺维萨德——2021年欧洲文化之都,距离机场80公里。抵达后,我们将步行游览这座有着多元文化的城市:从被市政厅(City Hall)和玛丽大教堂(The Name of Mary Church)围绕着的自由广场(The Liberty Square )、主要的步行区Zmaj Jovina街、牧首宫(Patriarch’s Palace) ,到Dunavska街和Dunavski公园。在市中心的酒店办理入住,之后自由活动,在市中心的当地漂亮餐厅享用晚餐。夜宿酒店。 第2天:诺维萨德
铁门峡谷(Iron Gate)游船观光——最畅销的塞尔维亚一日游! 发团日期:每周六、每周日
与我们一起游览欧洲最大最美丽的峡谷!在最窄和最深的河段,探索多瑙河的力量。参观多瑙河畔最美丽的城堡和拥有9000年历史的莱潘斯基维尔(Lepenski Vir)考古遗址。
Uvac Jeep Safari to the Famous Viewpoint Prayer
For all nature lovers, we highly recommend a jeep safari to the viewpoint Prayer from which a magnificent view spreads to the Uvac meanders.
Tito’s Blue Train Tour – 2 days/1 night tour
Take a ride by famous Tito's Blue Train and travel to Užice, a city where once the Užice Republic existed during WW2. This is a tour like no other you've experienced before.
Wildlife Tour: Jadovnik Observation of Brown Bears and Griffon Vultures
Feel the untouched nature and watch brown bears, griffon vultures, and other wildlife in their natural habitat and get acquainted with all the details related to their protection.
Discover the Danube Through History – 4 days/3 nights
Spend wonderful four days exploring the beauties of the Iron Gate, the most important fortresses on the Danube, visiting important archeological sites and enjoying the natural beauty of Serbia.
Kamena Gora, Sopotnica and Jadovnik Tour – 2 days/1 night
Experience an unforgettable two-days tour and discover the hidden charms of the White Angel homeland. Discover what the wonderful area of Prijepolje has to offer.
Transromanica: Serbia Monastery Tour – 7 days/6 nights
The Transromanca route in Serbia is part of the broader European cultural and tourist route, which features Roman-era monuments across several countries on the continent. This 12-day journey showcases the very best of Roman-era Serbia.
The Balkans With No Frontiers
Make the most of every moment of your Balkans vacation. You'll discover all the can't miss scenery of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro, and history, including popular sights like Belgrade, Zlatibor, Mećavnik, Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Cetinje and many more - all in this incredible two-weeks tour.
Treasures of Serbia 10 days/9 nights
This amazing tour starts and ends in Belgrade! This eventful tour will take you to the most interesting parts of Serbia where you'll enjoy the history, culture, tradition, great food, warm hospitality, and highly comfortable accommodation.
From Medieval and Royal Tradition to Communism Era 8 days/7 nights
Being positioned on the crossroad between East and West, Serbia has witnessed a pretty turbulent history. The country on the highland Balkans had too many rulers who had left visible traces behind. This tour takes you on a historical journey through the most beautiful parts of Serbia during which you'd visit remnants of the Nemanjic Dynasty who established Serbian Medieval State, the Karadjordjevic Dynasty and the Obrenovic Dynasty who were successfully fighting against the Ottoman Empire, and finally, Tito’s years of Communism which lasted five decades...
Balkan Pearls Tour 9 days/8 nights
This unique tour will take you to the most beautiful parts of Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia. After exploring the rich history and breathtaking nature of these three countries, enjoying local cuisines, and feeling a distinctive receptiveness of the locals, this tour will surely stay in your memory for a long time.
The Balkans in the Palm of Your Hand – 14 nights/15 days
Start in Belgrade and end in Zagreb! With sightseeing of top-destinations, on this 15-days tour we take you through Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia
Inspiring Monastery Tour – Serbia and Macedonia – 8 days/7 nights
Churches and monasteries in Serbia and Macedonia are among their most precious treasures, where the spiritual and artistic heritage of the Byzantine Orthodox tradition is magnificently preserved.
Historic Trails Across Serbia and Macedonia – 9 days/8 nights
You are going to feel an unrepeatable uniqueness of the Balkans, sublimation of natural beauties and cultural values imbued with the temperament of the south.
Iron Gate Cruising – a full day tour
Sail with us down the largest and most beautiful gorge of Europe. Discover the power of the Danube at its widest and deepest, see the famed Tabula Traiana, head of Decebalus and the Lepenski Vir archeological site.
Fruška Gora Tour – Monasteries and Sremski Karlovci
Fruška gora tour will help you to learn about Serbia's colourful history and discover amazing wines. This tour explores Fruška gora mountain, and reveals some unique monasteries and fine wineries, as well as compact historic town of Sremski Karlovci, known for plentiful attractions and great wineries.
Royal Tour – full day tour
This tour will take you to the region of Šumadija, the heart of Serbia. In its midst lies Topola, a small town with regal history, inseparably connected with Serbian royal dynasty and its fate.
Serbian Rakija Tour
This unique tour is all about the most popular Serbian alcoholic drink. Discover rakija's taste, learn about essentials of its making and find out what food goes best with each rakija. And, of course, have fun!
Devil’s City – a True Natural Wonder
Visit the Devil's Town and National Park Kopaonik, with a tour of Kursumlija, wine tasting in Aleksandrovac and a walk in the romantic Vrnjacka spa.
Romantic North Tour
This tour will take you to the very North of the country where you'll enjoy horseback riding and a carriage ride on a horse farm. Also, you'll visit Subotica, the city also knows as Pannonian Barcelona and relax at Palić Lake. This is an easygoing tour that will certainly fulfill your expectations and make your day unforgettable.
Magical Srem Tour
This tour will show you the natural beauties of the southern part of the Province of Vojvodina as well as its historical and cultural treasures.
Jeep Tour at Fruška Gora Mountain
Jeep tour Fruška gora is a different tour. Drive in World War II American Jeep through Fruška gora, enjoy fresh air and nature and visit its two monasteries.
Vojvodina Castles Tour
Enjoy in ancient time of Vojvodina, explore old castles of famous families from this area.
Novi Sad Tours and Ideas for City break
Wheater you are planning the shortest visit to Novi Sad or you are staying in this city a couple of day, Magelan team is here to provide the best service and to help you in creating and realizing your program. We suggest the best accommodation, restaurant, visits and activities which will fulfill your stay in Novi Sad and give you the unforgettable memories.
Treasures of Serbian Spirituality and Beauty – 2 days/1 night
On this trip we take you to the very heart of Serbia, where on the first day we will visit some of the most important churches and monasteries, while on the second we will enjoy the spectacular countryside and folk treasures of west Serbia.
Sightseeing tour of Novi Sad and Petrovaradin Fortress
Sightseeing tour of Novi Sad and Petrovaradin Fortress is great 3,5 hour tour during which you will get to know the best highlights of the city. It has several options and you can pick the best for you or your group.
Walking and Cultural Tour in the National Park Fruška Gora
During this tour you will have a chance to get to know the best highlights of Belgrade, to enjoy in beautiful nature of Fruška gora, as well as in its surroundings, culture and food. The best combination of culture, history, nature and gastronomy.
Hightlights of Serbia for Middle East Tourists – 8 days/7 nights
On this fantastic journey, you'll learn about Serbian culture and traditions, visit several important sites on the UNESCO heritage list, enjoy gorgeous landscapes of Serbia and taste traditional Serbian food. Also, you' have enough time for shopping.
Višegrad, Andrićgrad, Šargan, Mećavnik – 2-day tour
On this varied two-day tour you will see ethno-themed villages, the famous Ottoman bridge, an Orthodox monastery, ride on the prettiest narrow gauge railway in Serbia, sail down the river Drina and, atop of it all - visit a cave. This is the best selling two-days tour in Serbia!
Following the Bygone Times Tour – 10 days
Situated on the crossroads between the East and West, the territory of modern Serbia has always been the site of significant events. Various nations stormed through it; the civilizations collided here and numerous warriors crossed their swords here. Each of them left their marks in the cultural diversity of the country and you'll be able to explore most of them on this amazing tour.
Tours from Macedonia
Continuing your trip from Macedonia across Serbia to some other country nearby? Here are some suggestions and options how to spend your time while in Serbia.
Tours from Montenegro
If you are passing through Serbia from Montenegro, choose one of this special created transit route tours which will help you make the best of your stay in Serbia.
Tours from Bosnia & Herzegovina
If you transit from Bosnia & Herzegovina through Serbia on your way to some other Balkan country, here are some of specially designed route tours for you. Learn about the culture, hear interesting stories about history, enjoy fascinating nature and taste delicious food while in Serbia.
Tours from Croatia
Travelling from Croatia and staying in Serbia just for couple of days? Choose from these four route tours and make the best of your stay in Serbia.
Tours from Bulgaria
If you are coming from Bulgaria and passing through Serbia, take the best of your stay and book some of transit route tours.
Tours from Romania
If you are travelling from Romania and continuing your trip to some other country near Serbia, there are several options to make your stay in our country memorable. Choose between three different tour routes during your transit.
Tours from Hungary
If you are travelling from Hungary and continuing your trip to some other country near Serbia, this is the best way to make your stay in our country interesting and unforgettable. Check out our three suggestions how to make the most of your stay in Serbia.
Serbia Geology Tour
Book our multi-day Serbia Geology Tour with some of the best geologic wonders in Serbia. Visit some of the richest areas in this wonderful country. Decipher the geologic story behind the amazing scenery along the Danube, caves in central Serbia and mountaints on the West and more.
Wine Tour Along the Danube River – 9 days/8 nights
This is a unique tour during which you'll visit more than 15 wineries and taste the best-quality wines in the region.
The Best of Serbia Tour – 12 days/11 nights
The best of the Serbia tour includes the most important highlights of the country. By choosing this tour, you'll get to know the rich culture and history of Serbia but also you'll enjoy the amazing natural beauties of the country.
Essence of Northern Serbia (with the Iron Gate Cruise) – 10 days/9 nights
An unique tour combined by bus and a cruise. Best hightlights from the North all the way to the East of the country to a magical Iron Gate.
Highlights of Serbia in 8 days
Book your 8-day tour and visit Serbia. With overnights in Novi Sad and Belgrade, you will have a chance to take unforgettable excursions and visit many hightlights.
Belgrade sightseeing – walking tour
Join us in our two hours tour to see the most important sights, learn about town long history and get the feel of city life. Our guide will do his best to show you what locals do, what they like or dislike in this metropolis of 1.8 million people.
Cruising the Danube through Serbia (incl. Iron gate) – 3 days
Cruise along the Danube and through Iron gate, the longest and deepest gorge in Europe where Danube River is the most beautiful.
Transit tours – Explore Serbia while on transit
Thanks to its perfect position at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, Serbia is the perfect stop on your journey. Only spending a few days in Serbia is no excuse for missing out on a taste of local culture. Wherever you’re travelling to, make a pit stop into Serbia for a short transit tours.
Harmony of Vojvodina
On this tour you will get to know Serbia nothern province. We will see its three different faces – a medieval monastery, a baroque small town, and its charming metropolis. This will be followed by a dinner that reveals Vojvodina’ diverse heritage.
Down and Around the Danube (Viminacium Tour) – one day excursion
If you want to get the essence of Serbia in one day, book this tour and visit one of the oldest fortresses on the Danube as well as the greatest Roman city from the ancient times.
Cruising the Iron Gate – the best selling 1-day excursion in Serbia
Sail the fourth beautiful gorge in the world, visit the medieval fortress, dine in an authentic Vlach open-air restaurant with the stunning view of the Danube river and visit the oldest archeological site in Europe - all in one day!
Ancient Roman Tour – 8 days/7 nights
Cultural route Roman Emporer - Enjoy the Roman Serbia – country where 17 Roman Emperors were born.
Grand Tour of the Balkans in the Great War – 15 days
During this tour, you'll visit the most important sites from the beginning of WW1. You'll visit Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece and return to the time of great battlefields in WW1. Also, you'll visit other attractions in Serbia and Bosnia: middle age monasteries and churches, fortresses, authentic villages, royal complexes and also, you'll enjoy great landscapes and delicious Serbian specialties for which the Balkan is well known!
Serbian Birds of Prey and Owls Spring Tour
Birdwatching tour in Serbia for all bird lovers. Unique experience and rich fauna places. The area of Lake Rusanda is around 75 km from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Deliblato Sands is a unique wilderness comprising 33,000 hectares of grasslands, farmlands and mixed forest lying on a large sandy region.
Sensational Beauty and Majesty of the Balkans
Wild beauty great heart Balkans- 14 days tour trought Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia,
Sensational Flavours of Serbia (A Multicultural Food & Wine Journey)
This is an unforgettable food and wine journey through the vineyards and sleepy towns of Vojvodina province, savoring amazing culinary delights inspired by the multi-ethnic local communities and unveiling some of Europe's best-kept secret wines.
Ancient Roman Paths and Wine Tour Along the Danube
Following the Danube and the changing scenery we will go back in time by visiting untouched nature, old villages, archeological sites as well as wineries whose products will enliven our imagination and deepen our impressions.
Serbia in a Nutshell – 8 days/7 nights
A fascinating touring experience over eight full days through the untouched countryside, scenic railways, an array of cultural and historical monuments, vibrant cities and meals featuring organic food & great wines. Find out why the “Lonely Planet” has marked Serbia one of “Europe’s best-kept secrets”, recently naming it one of their top 10 must-see places in Europe.
Tito’s Tour Through Former Yugoslavia – 14 days/13 nights
This is no ordinary tourist trip, but a unique adventure during which you'll visit the most famous places of celebrated battles from WW2, as well as those visited by Tito, one of the most prominent figures of the last century. Besides, you'll see numerous natural beauties, enjoy delicious specialties and meet people of the most diverse regions in Eastern Europe.
Topola, Oplenac, Royal Winery and Risovaca Cave – 1-day tour
Visit breath – taking Oplenac mausoleum church with its mosaics, learn about Serbian history in the local museum and enjoy your lunch in the historic Orašac village.
28% Discount
Magnificent Castles of Vojvodina – 1 day tour
Feel the spirit of times gone by and discover the most romantic highlights of Vojvodina - famous castles and salaš/farms. After a day spent in the endless plains of Vojvodina, you'll definitely come back more fulfilled for a rich experience.
04/04/2016 - 31/12/2016 -
Belgrade in WW1 – walking tour
We start the tour from Slavija Square walking a few corners to the building of the former Austro-Hungarian consulate. Here we will talk about the causes of the strife between the large, old empire and the young Balkan kingdom.
The First Allied Victories in WW1 – a day trip to Mt. Cer and the Drina River
The First Allied Victories Tour - Day-trip of to Mt. Cer and river Drina introduces us to the early battles and first victories of Serbian Army, while unveiling some lesser known parts of Serbia. Tekeriš – Gučevo – Mali Zvornik – Krupanj – Dobri Potok – Mačkov Kamen
The Onset of the Great War Tour – 3 days/2 nights
The Onset of the Great War Tour is a story about Sarajevo and the official outbreak of war and includes a visit to Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric's Institute for a presentation about attempts at the revision of history. The tour also follows trails of epic Mt.Cer and river Drina battles, as well as a visit to a secret cave of King Alexander.
Salonika Frontline Tour – 4 days
Salonika Front-line was formed in 1915 following the Allied Powers' attempt to come to the aid of Serbia. This tour leads to Mt.Kajmakcalan in Greece and regional capital Thessaloniki, the city of Serbian "Iron Platoon" and the legendary war capital, before returning to Serbia via Macedonia.